bdocas110-63-4,welcome inquiry!+86 18186203200

Molecular Weight 90.121
Flash Point 105.9±13.0 °C
Exact Mass 90.068077
PSA 40.46000
LogP -1.02
Vapour density 3.1 (vs air)
Vapour Pressure 0.0±1.0 mmHg at 25°C
Index of Refraction 1.441
Stability Stable. Combustible. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, mineral acids, acid chlorides, acid anhydrides.
Water Solubility Miscible
Other hot product
2-Oxiranecarboxylicacid: CAS28578-16-7
1,4-Butanediol :CAS110-63-4
2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone: CAS1451-82-7
BMK Glycidic Acid (sodium salt): CAS5449/12/7
Pyrrolidine :CAS123-75-1
XylazineHydrochloride :CAS23076-35-9
Diethyl(phenylacetyl)malonate: CAS20320-59-6
PMK ethyl glycidate :CAS28578-16-7
4-Methylpropiophenone:CAS 5337-93-9
Pregabalin :CAS148553-50-8
prolonium iodide:CAS 59-46-1
If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible, I will try to get the best price for you!

whatsapp:86 18186203200
E-mial:[email protected]
Visto 130 veces
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